01 September, 2010

Infinite regress - sort of

Islands. Lakes. Islands inside lakes. And lakes in them too. And islands in them.

So this is an island in a lake in an island in a lake in an island.....I think.

I wonder if there's a puddle on it?

Anyway, have a look...


Andrew Louis said...

Hey! Somebody has to be responsible for notifying me when shit like this, http://www.premiercommunity.org.uk, is going on with Sye. Now it looks like I missed it all damit.

rhiggs said...

Hi Andrew,

Apparently he is setting up a new Premier debate with Paul Baird, so there is likely to be another long thread or two following that. I'll leave a message on your blog when I know more.

He was active here yesterday, so I'm sure he's still following it if you are itching to talk to him!

Pvblivs said...

     Paul Baird's step 6 (What our consciousness is aware of through perception is an
exact representation of external reality.) is flawed. If true, it would mean that perceptions could not be deceived. But they can. Perhaps he could have said that what our consciousness is aware of through perception is caused by external reality.